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Posted on: March 2nd 2022

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Fundraising achievements for fabulous causes Posted on: 4/07/2023

Fundraising achievements for fabulous causes

Winsham Primary School - Fundraising achievements for fabulous causes As part of our learning and reflection around the importance of being a 'global neighbour', the children of Winsham Primary (part of The Redstart Learning Partnership) chose to undertake a sponsored walk to raise money for Tearfund. On Friday June 30th, they set off from school and walked to Forde Abbey, where the owners kindly gave them permission to rest and recover - and have a snack - before setting back off to school. The children's ages ranged from 4 - 11 years old but there were no complaints of tired legs, no one struggled and we all completed the walk with smiles on our faces. While at Forde Abbey, a member of the public was so impressed by the children's behaviour and the fact that they had wanted to raise money, that the children were given an extra donation to add to the funds they had raised. I am proud to say that we raised a grand total of £377. Then on Monday July 3rd, a little later than the official date, we recognised 'Wallace and Gromit's Wrong Trousers Day' in school. A KS2 pupil is currently undergoing treatment for a brain tumour and the children all wanted to show their appreciation for the care she is being given at Bristol Hospital. We had trousers with pineapples on, colourful sportswear and  batman PJs to name but a few. We raised £50. Leo from Winsham said the Tearfund walk  'was quite a lot of walking but it was worth it.' Emma Johns, Head of School said; 'Our values at Winsham are important to us and run through all we do.  We promote the value of community and living well together, both at a local level as well as with our global neighbours. These fundraising activities, chosen by the children, reflect this focus. ' Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from The Head Emma Johns Posted on: 19/05/2023

A message from The Head Emma Johns

Dear Families, How good it is to finally see some consistently sunny days – a reminder that summer is just around the corner. We started this school term with new staff on board and I would like to welcome Tina Legg as our new KS2 class teacher, Julie White and Tirion Johns as our new KS2 LSAs. The children have settled well into the changes – showing their usual resilience and positivity. All of our new staff felt quickly welcomed and all have expressed what a wonderful school Winsham is to be a part of. I should also mention that we have a new caretaker working hard behind the scenes and we welcome Peter Rattew to this post. As usual, the children have been extremely busy with their learning. Both Year 6 and Year 2 had the added experience of SATs this month and they have all equipped themselves admirably. I think a highlight for the children will have been their Coronation Teddy Bears’ Picnic – even rain didn’t dampen their spirits. The children had an amazing day – all of the food consumed in the afternoon they had worked together to make in the morning. The hall was decorated with the bunting they had made in commemoration of the coronation. Our PTA have been busy as usual, and the children are soon to be the recipients of some exciting new playground equipment. Last week saw a disco in the village for children 11 and under which was a roaring success and there is more planned for us all to take part in! We are very grateful for all of the support with which they provide the school. Three of our KS2 children took part in a Trust wide public speaking event the topic of which centered around equality of human rights, discrimination and how children can promote this equality of entitlement for all. They did us proud and received lots of positive comments from those who watched and listened to them. This week has been Mental Health Awareness week and the children were invited to plan for and enjoy a ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. They asked for a wide variety of activities and experiences –a favorite part of which was a Junior Bake Off competition in their houses. “Air’ won with their delicious milk chocolate cookies but everyone made tasty treats and there wasn’t a crumb left by the end of the day. We still have plenty of things to look forward to this coming term – the teachers will start writing reports, we have sports day, summer fayre, a PTA organised ‘make the rules day’ and summer event (TBC) as well as a sponsored walk to Forde Abbey! A case of ‘watch this space’ I believe. Finally, I need to share with you the news that Mrs. Hawkins will be leaving her role at Winsham on June 10 th . Mrs. Hawkins has very much loved her time at the school and will be missed but we wish her well for whatever exciting times may lie ahead. Mrs. Hawkins has the following message for you all: ‘I am sad to say that I will be leaving Winsham Pre-school. I have enjoyed watching the children grow and find their personalities, they all have their own unique characters and they are all brilliant. I have loved working with Sarah as my manager. She has taught me so much and I appreciate every big and small thing that she has taught me. I will remember it all. I also owe a big thanks to Maureen and Kay who have also helped me in my path as well. It’s been a great learning journey for myself and I won’t forget it. Lastly, thank you to the children and parents for all your kindness towards me.’ Emma Johns Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from The Head of School Mrs Emma Johns Posted on: 31/03/2023

A message from The Head of School Mrs Emma Johns

I mentioned in my last newsletter that I had been enjoying carrying out some lovely playground duties in the winter sunshine – I think since sending that out, I have mostly experienced rain! Yet the children happily go outside in their coats and wellies, and continue to enjoy each other’s company as they play. As we approach the Easter holiday and the days are lengthening, I can only hope that the sunshine will soon make an appearance again. The KS2 Performing Arts Festival at the Brewhouse was a roaring success and I am immensely proud of each and every one of the children. They were confident, happy to take part and, as I have told them, they are most definitely the most talented group of singers that I have worked with in my 31 years of teaching. They have asked that one of the enrichment clubs after Easter is a school choir and I will happily oblige. This singing was possibly the highlight of our Easter church service – they showed what talented performers they were when the tech failed and they had to sing unaccompanied. Thank you to those parents who attended and supported their children and the school – itwas, I felt, a lovely service to share together. On March 30 th the PFA arranged a ‘Break the Rules’ day which every child took part in – with varying amounts of rules being broken. We thank the PFA for organising this and all the other events – we are grateful for their support. Today, there are still quite a few children breaking rules, as temporary tattoos, it appears, are not quite as temporary as we all thought, but we raised an amazing £45.00, thank you all so much for your continuing support. At the time of writing, tomorrow sees the PFA Easter Bake Sale and bonnet parade. The forecast isn’t looking particularly pleasant but I know the Winsham Spirit will shine through. A reminder that we are still within the ‘listening exercise’ period regarding the Trust and to please feel able to approach or contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to welcoming our two new members of staff after Easter– Mrs.Legg and Mrs. White and to a last term of continued learning, exploring and fun-having!   Emma Johns Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Emma Johns Posted on: 3/03/2023

A Message from Emma Johns

The children and staff of Winsham School continue to keep themselves busy – working and playing hard! I had the pleasure of carrying out some lovely playground duties this month, in the winter sunshine and as I watched the children at play, felt particularly blessed. They all play together so well – showing patience and kindness to one another at all times – even when the KS2 boys were trying to enjoy a game of football and a foundation stage child chose to lay down on the pitch, not a single cross word was uttered. A visitor from the Trust’s central team commented on how peaceful and happy the school seemed and was particularly impressed with the way in which the children engage with our newly introduced ‘dinner party topic of conversation’ when enjoying their lunches. Recently, we have all been discussing joining in with the village and twinning our toilets! The children have learned plenty from assemblies led by Colette and we have started to think of fundraising ideas. Our first may well be a sponsored walk up to Forde Abbey – another chance to enjoy that winter sunshine! Watch this space for our other ideas as the school year progresses. We have had to postpone our Small Schools Hub Experience Day due to illness and will inform you of the new date as soon as we have confirmed this. Forthcoming events are another KS2 Public Speaking Event on March 8th and the KS2 Performing Arts Festival on the 23rd – details to follow. On March 30th the PFA have arranged a ‘Break the Rules’ day and on the 31st, an Easter Bake Sale – again, more details will follow! You will now all have received and read the letter regarding the update from Trust Board. As stated in the letter, there will be a ‘listening exercise’ and in the meantime please do feel able to approach or contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Leaving us at the end of this month, I am sad to share, is Miss. King. I know for many this will be sad but everyone wishes Miss. King well for whatever new ventures and opportunities are ahead for her. Everyone knows that she will be fantastic, whatever she does.   Emma Johns Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from Emma Johns Posted on: 9/12/2022

A message from Emma Johns

The children and staff of Winsham School have battled against the usual seasonal bugs to not only carry on with lots of exciting learning but also to put together many wonderful Christmas events. The songs around the Christmas tree in the village were beautiful and the two performances of the Christmas play were simply stunning – the children all worked so very hard to learn the songs and the script and I was extremely proud of them all. We still have the PTA craft fair to look forward to as well as our Christingle service in church and our trip to the pantomime which we are very excitedly waiting for…oh, yes we are…! KS2 had the recent excitement of a Trust wide public speaking event which followed a debate in class. All the children in Herons contributed to the final presentation, with Louisa, Adam and Kailin travelling to Castle Primary School, where they spoke beautifully and clearly – as well as bravely, in front of all those people! FS/KS1 have enjoyed their Christmas themed learning in both Maths and English as well as engaging in some creative spiral making art activities, and learning about habitats and food chains in Science The school was proud to be able to support the Craft Fair that was held to raise money for First Responders and we are grateful to all those who contributed or attended this event. A forthcoming event for your diaries is December 14 th at 2.45. We would like to invite you all to come into school at 2 pm to support the children in making Christingles. We will then go over to the church for a Christingle service at 2.45 – to which you are all invited. Snow is potentially forecast for next week. If there are any issues regarding the weather, we will let you know on dojo and parentmail. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for making me so welcome at Winsham. I wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year. Emma Johns Head of SchoolCategories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from Emma Johns Posted on: 11/11/2022

A message from Emma Johns

The children and staff of Winsham School spent a busy first term engaging with their learning and working hard. There has been a busy and productive feel to the school everyday, with many exciting learning opportunities taking place across the curriculum. This term sees us preparing for our many Christmas events! We started the new term with an author focussed day on which the children enjoyed reading the books of and finding out about the author, Michael Morpurgo. We had our extreme reading competition – photos are proudly displayed in the hall – and really enjoyed welcoming so many parents into the school at the end of the day. KS2 had the recent excitement of an orienteering event with the other schools in the hub – I am sure Miss Dobinson and Mrs. King will elaborate on this! I also have been fortunate enough to have popped in on a fair few exciting Science experiments as well as their cross curricular lessons on volcanoes. Exciting stuff. FS/KS1 have enjoyed their text, ‘Tidy’, which has helped them to think about looking after our community as well as the wider world. The KS1 children produced some amazing writing, re-telling the story. Their work looking at local folk music was extended to include African music and they very much enjoyed finding out about the musician, Abel Selaocoe. Our Geography work about the village and maps is complete and we are excited to be now thinking about the village in terms of History. As I mentioned in our last newsletter, our Big Question involved discussing how sharing food binds together a community. The children very much enjoyed their free ice cream from Noodles – there were some extremely ice-cream covered faces, with many children wearing possibly more than they were eating! All of the children contributed to pictures, poems, cards – and cakes – of thanks to the ice cream van man. The FS/KS1 class also chose to make cakes and cards for our friends who work so hard in our village shop and we delivered these once free of sticky ice cream! Our Harvest celebration in church, where sharing food and thinking about community was again uppermost in our minds, may not have gone without hitches but it was lovely to gather together in the church and to see families and members of the community join us in giving thanks. The donations of food you all kindly gave have been taken to the Lord’s Larder, who have expressed their gratitude. Forthcoming dates for your calendar – on November 19 th the school will be part of the Craft Fair being held to raise money for First Responders, so please do come along, we also have a Family Service in Church for Stir Up Sunday, on Sunday 20th which I have been told the children will all be very welcome to attend. I look forward to a busy but exciting and fun filled term! Emma Johns Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A messsage from Emma Johns Head of School Posted on: 11/11/2022

A messsage from Emma Johns Head of School

The children and staff of Winsham School spent a busy first term engaging with their learning and working hard. There has been a busy and productive feel to the school everyday, with many exciting learning opportunities taking place across the curriculum. This term sees us preparing for our many Christmas events! We started the new term with an author focussed day on which the children enjoyed reading the books of and finding out about the author, Michael Morpurgo. We had our extreme reading competition – photos are proudly displayed in the hall – and really enjoyed welcoming so many parents into the school at the end of the day. KS2 had the recent excitement of an orienteering event with the other schools in the hub – I am sure Miss Dobinson and Mrs. King will elaborate on this! I also have been fortunate enough to have popped in on a fair few exciting Science experiments as well as their cross curricular lessons on volcanoes. Exciting stuff. FS/KS1 have enjoyed their text, ‘Tidy’, which has helped them to think about looking after our community as well as the wider world. The KS1 children produced some amazing writing, re-telling the story. Their work looking at local folk music was extended to include African music and they very much enjoyed finding out about the musician, Abel Selaocoe. Our Geography work about the village and maps is complete and we are excited to be now thinking about the village in terms of History. As I mentioned in our last newsletter, our Big Question involved discussing how sharing food binds together a community. The children very much enjoyed their free ice cream from Noodles – there were some extremely ice-cream covered faces, with many children wearing possibly more than they were eating! All of the children contributed to pictures, poems, cards – and cakes – of thanks to the ice cream van man. The FS/KS1 class also chose to make cakes and cards for our friends who work so hard in our village shop and we delivered these once free of sticky ice cream! Our Harvest celebration in church, where sharing food and thinking about community was again uppermost in our minds, may not have gone without hitches but it was lovely to gather together in the church and to see families and members of the community join us in giving thanks. The donations of food you all kindly gave have been taken to the Lord’s Larder, who have expressed their gratitude. Forthcoming dates for your calendar – on November 19 th the school will be part of the Craft Fair being held to raise money for First Responders, so please do come along, we also have a Family Service in Church for Stir Up Sunday, on Sunday 20th which I have been told the children will all be very welcome to attend. I look forward to a busy but exciting and fun filled term! Emma Johns Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
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